This is something I saw on one of my fav
blogs, it is such a fun idea and was a great distraction to photograph.
The handbag was a Christmas gift last year from my sister, it is a bag I probably wouldn't have bought for myself but I love it.
I have the usual stuff in my bag, sunglasses, wallet, keys and mobile phone (not pictured it was charging!). The small bag in the top corner is for medication, lip balm and mints (particularly important with job interviews), I have had this bag for ages but have only been carrying it in my handbag for a couple of months.
Sanitising gel, I am allergic to soap so can't use the soap to wash my hands in public toilets. Manicure kit in a cute little re & white poke-a-dot case, I also carry a fold up enviro-bag. Quite a few retailers are starting to charge for the use of plastic bags and we always try to do everything that we can to reduce the amount of waste that we as a family produce.
Brush, notebook and pen I am such a note taker and a list keeper, guess that it comes from the over organised person inside of me. My MP3 player lives in a cute little green bag with a little asian doll on the front, I got in from Smiggle love that store, so much funky stationary. I am a bit of a stationary addict.
These two things in my handbag are probably the most important to me, my small digital camera. I am a scrapbooker so having a camera with me always means that I don't miss the important moments. And the small white bible, this particular bible doesn't matter but it is what is inside that touches me on a daily basis, God's word. Where ever I am I know that God's word is with me, it is very comforting.
Lastly my glasses, I have two these are my husbands favourites green and funky, I also have another pair that have cute butterflies down the side (see my previous blog to get a close look at my glasses).
I do rather have alot of things in my handbag, always like to be prepared for anything. Things like my camera, glasses and enviro-bag do migrate in and out of my handbag depending on where I am going and what I am going to be doing. But there are alot of times when I carry all of the above, now that I have looked at it all spread out I think that I'm nuts! But I am glad that I am always ready for anything, and that is not a bad thing.
Let me know what is in your hand bag.