Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Treasury Tuesday!

I L-O-V-E Etsy and love any excuse to spent time searching around the creative Esty sellers. Recently I have been looking for a birthday present for my sister-in-law, she is turn the big 3-0 and is celebrating with an Alice in Wonderland inspired fancy dress party. As of yet not sure what me and my WH (wonderful husband) are going to dress up as yet, but I still have time.

Today's treasury Tuesday is inspired by Alice in Wonderland and my search for a present for my sister-in-law, is her gift in the list?......hmmm........not telling!

Click her to check out my treasury list, don't forget to check out my store SuJoh as well!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Travelling the www

Since it's Sunday I am sitting in front of the TV with my WH (wonderful husband) and checking out a few of my favourite blogs, so I thought that I would do another installment of....

Tonight we are starting with a blog that I haven't been following for very long, only the last 7ish months. It is called Scrap Bits & Paint Under My Nails by Tanya Gilmartin. She is an artist living in Ontario Canada. I really enjoy her blog, she is a very creative person and I love looking at all of her creations and her art work (which you can view on her website). Check out her photo albums on the right side of the blog, I like her scrapbooking pages & her mini albums. Loads of inspiration & ideas!

Our first stop is redefine creativity by Alisa Burke. FYI loved the tutorial and idea of creating pillows out of old love letters. I have two shoes boxes absolutely stuffed with letters & cards that my WH sent me when were were dating, I would love to have a couple of pillows like these for our bedroom. Alisa's artwork is great and a browse through her blog has plenty of inspiration.

Stop number two is journal girl by Samantha Harding. Oh very cute! If you are wanting to start an art journal this is a great place to start, there is a great 'Getting Started' section. When I visited there was also a great tutorial for making canvas clouds (where the cute comes from). Defiantly a nice mid way stop on our little trip.

Our last stop Every life has a story by Roben Marie, I really enjoy blogs by artists who don't just show their creations but make their blog a creation all of its own. I got really inspired by Points of Two, where she made journalling out of cut out words from an old children's book, love the 2nd picture in particular. Take time to just watch her blog title, it cycles through some great close up shots of her art work. Full of inspiration!

Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm back!

Bet ya didn't even know I was gone, me and WH (wonderful husband) decided on a whim to got to Toowoomba to see the Carnival of Flowers, it was a very last minute decision, went on Wednesday morning and decided to go mid way through Tuesday. I will post about what we did and the photo's we took later. Still have to go through all the photos we took!
It has been raining all week here so far, which is kinda sad since my WH is have holidays and I was hoping to get some heavy lifting done in the backyard with his help :-(

But before all the rain started I did manage to get some of my pots plants all planted ready for spring/summer YEAH!

I still want to re pot all of my pot plants but that is really going to have to wait till the rain clears, soon I hope!!!!

At the markets week before last I picked up a new basil plant and a chilli to the markets at the Big Pineapple in Woombye should check out this stall, 6 seedlings for $2! Oh yes for those who have never heard of the Big Pineapple, it just as it sounds a tourist attraction that has a giant pineapple.

I have also decided to have a go at growing sunflower seeds, here is my seeds planted out in some empty egg cartons, best free seed propagating trays. Looks good right........the next day I went out to water the seed and founds that the birds had gotten to them :-( I don't know if the birds got all the seeds, so I have moved the seeds so I can keep a better eye on them. Not holding out much hope.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm on a showcase!

This month I splashed out on a showcase spot for my Etsy store. It is in the housewares section woohoo!

Sales have been abit slow as of late, so I am hoping that my presence in the showcase will get my products and store out there. I have been enjoying working for myself doing something that I love to do. I am most excited about my cards that I have been working on using vintage images, just been waiting to go and get our printer ink cartridge filled so that I can get some printing done. I have been meaning to do it for 2 months, but things have been getting in the way and I forget.

Pop over to my store and check it out. Also sign up for my newsletter and you can stay updated with new products in the store and with other things happening in my blog world.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Travel Day

Sunday is my night for really sitting back and indulging in reading blogs and traveling around the world without having to leave the comfort of my couch.

Today we are starting at my very creative & talent cousins Talia's blog Life's Visual Journal, she started it after she got married in 2007 in response to never ending question 'How is married life?'. In her own words her blog is about "The Creative Endeavours of a twenty-something chick geek with Nanna tendencies (read: naps, crafts, embroidery, forgetfulness)!'

First stop Hello Owl by Danielle, I love her blog banner such a beautiful & bold pattern! I find myself very drawn to blue, even though my favourite colour is green. Apparently I look the best in blue too, or atleast that is what my husband tells me, opps! Back on track. I like this blog because if I am feeling creatively blocked then I can hop over to Hello Owl, there are regular challenges and loads of inspiration. Danielle is also pregnant, and has this great section called 'bump watch' some great bump pictures love the shrinking view of her feet!

Lets keep moving......

Second stop Danimezza, again great blog banner! Such a sucker for great doodling. I opened her blog up and was greeted by one of my fav things, great thrifty finds. Who doesn't love a great bargain, and op shops are full of bargains with in build personality. This blog follows the life of the creator, with great pictures (her own & fashion pics). Love the hat pictures!

And our final stop on our trip.......

Third stop Kevin and Amanda.com by Kevin and Amanda (surprise!). Very very cute dogs. Kevin and Amanda blog about their comings and goings. Check out the links down the left side and you'll find some great shots from around their home, their dogs & trips they have taken. I must say that I want that scrapbooking room! Looking at the links along the top, you'll find one that says 'Free Fonts', got to check it out! Amanda makes fonts for free out of peoples handwriting and then offers them for free on her website. Great fonts if you don't like your own handwriting for journalling.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Another Treasury

I think that I might be alittle addicted! It is fun to search around Etsy and see what other very creative people have made. There are some seriously cute things out there. Click here to see my other treasury lists.

My new treasury list is called Cupcakes, and it's all about.....you guessed it....cupcakes! I love cupcakes, they are cute, yummy and can be tailored to everyones dietary requirements. Which is why cupcakes were my cake of choice for our wedding (I will try to remember to post a picture of our wedding cake, still love it). If there are any of my family reading this I would love the scrabble tile necklace for Christmas or my birthday (I know its early, but sometimes preplanning is a good thing!)

Click here or on the picture to go and see the whole of my latest treasury. So much fun!

Hey Talia! Check out my first treasury about spring.

One down.....one to go

Our tickets to Wicked the musical turned up in the mail this week! Just the distraction that my WH (wonderful husband) needed. It has been a long week at work for him. It was my WH who wanted to go to see Wicked, he loves musicals. We are going in January, just in time for my sisters birthday who has a ticket to go with us. We will all be spending the weekend down in the city, go to the musical one evening and spend the next day exploring and giving my sister a nice birthday day.

Just now waiting on the tickets for the U2 concert in December. Again my WH's idea, he is a huge U2 fan. Went to their last concert they played in Australia in 2006 and loved it! I enjoy going to concerts & musical too but I think mostly because of how much my WH enjoys them. I feed off his happiness and excitement it is quite infectious.

4 Simple Goals Update

There is a difficulty in setting goals, even simple ones. Will power, though I am not sure that I really believe in will power as something that only you can muster for yourself. I believe that without support from friends, family & especially God you cannot achieve anything.

With that in mind I have a bit of an update on how my 4 Simple Goals are going (what am I talking about? Click here for the background).

Been defiantly enjoying the product of this goal, right now I am just baking stuff that I can practically bake with my eyes closed. But I am looking at our collection of cook books and online for some more yummy looking recipes to have a try of. It is nice to go to the cupboard or the fridge after lunch or dinner and get out a cookie or a brownie. Defiantly satisfies my sweet tooth. Yummy! Been enjoying this goal.

My other goals are a bit more of a challenge, despite how simple they may have appeared when I made them. But I am regularly praying about them and slowly opportunities have come about to do something to get a step closer to fulfilling another goal.

Despite the seemly slow pace of these goals it is nice to have something that I am working towards, pulling weeds to expand my veggie patch, reading books about photography to learn more about our DSLR camera, and searching & buying t-shirts. Fills my life and gives me a reason to get up in the morning.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Etsy Teasury

I have created a new Treasury list on Etsy! It is full of cute things that just say 'Spring is here!'

Check it out here

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday Afternoon

We have become a bit of a no TV family, during the week we watch plenty of TV it is hardly off during the day and evening. How does that makes us no TV? Weekends & days off is how. I don't think that it was a conscious decision (at least as far as I can remember), but on the weekends and my WH's (wonderful husband) days off we don't watch TV until about 7pm or later if we are busy.

So what do we do instead, well we aren't without technology. We use our computers, it has become a bit of a regular Saturday afternoon/evening thing particularly.

We are lucky enough to each have our own laptops, not that we aren't good sharers it is just how things have worked out. I have always loved using a laptop, I like the freedom to be anyway in the house and still able to edit photos and since we got wi-fi surf the net anywhere (mostly sitting on the couch, who doesn't like a bit of comfort when surfing). I also like to spread out when doing major editing projects or when using my computer to research a devotion that I am doing for youth group or for bible study and I can never have enough room, when I am at the dinning table I spread over the whole table, the chairs, couch and even the floor. Until the beginning of the year my WH had a PC that sat in what was once the 'computer room', but he felt alittle isolated when he was in there and was in the market for a new computer so we got another laptop. His is a wide screen laptop, my WH likes to edit video footage and the wide screen suits him better.

I really enjoy our Saturday afternoons sitting on the couch together, we can do whatever it is that we are doing on our computers but still chat. Defiantly something to look forward to each week.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Funny, funny, funny

This is such a funny post from one of my favourite websites Re-nest, 13 Products That Are Unnecessary & Wasteful. Though I don't know about wasteful it is certainly a laugh!

Watch out for the woman and the teddy bear, ummm you'll see.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Great laugh!

Now I don't have any kids, we haven't been blessed with any little ones yet (hopefully soon!), but I think these pictures would make a great first time parents baby shower gift (especially for the Dad's I think).

Check out the blog post by Tanya Gilmartin on her blog Scrap bits & Paint under my nails for all the pictures. Defiantly keeping these in mind for the next baby shower that I go to.

Couldn't stop laughing when I saw them, even my WH (wonderful husband) was chuckling when I showed him.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

From a different angle

I was checking out some blogs today and I came across a challenge that I just had to try. Becky Higgins set her readers a bit of an assignment, set down your camera, on a table, bench, where ever, and most importantly don't clean up. Ouch!

That is what I did, I went and got my camera and put it down on the dinning table and pressed the button. Here is what I took

There is my computer, my bamboo pen tablet, the album I keep my vintage postcards & photos in, the glass of water I have been drinking, by pencil case, paper & pen, my bible concordance left over from my morning bible study and our pet bird Curios's butt.

I will admit that this is a rather clean table for our house, last night we had bible study at our place so I spent most of yesterday tidying up from the bomb our house had become having had two sick people living in it for the last couple of weeks. Felt good to clean away the signs of all the sick people who have been curled up on the couch creating piles of tissues.
Take the challenge to see the everyday from a different angle and see what you see.