Monday, August 2, 2010

My new toy

I L-O-V-E photo editing, and creating digital scrapbooking supplies in photoshop. About 3 - 4 years ago my WH (wonderful husband) bought me and graphics tablet for Christmas. For those of you who don't know what a graphics tablet is it is a device that plugs into the USB drive on your computer and allows you to use a pen instead of a mouse. Using a pen with a computer does take alittle getting use to but soon enough (especially with photo editing and drawing) you find it easy and very flexible. My favourite thing was doing finner editing, using a pen gave me load more control.

Last week my graphic tablet died :-( and I needed it to finish some invitations that I was making for my nephews 2nd birthday (which is in a couple of weeks). I have been having trouble with the tablet for a while, it didn't like to two changes in operating systems I have had in the last few years and really didn't seem to compatible with Windows 7, which we upgraded to at the beginning of the year.

So I started to have a look at what was out there to replace my graphics tablet, and I set my heart on the Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet. Wacom was the brand of my old tablet and I was very happy with it. Yesterday we went to a few shops to see who had the best price and my WH bought it for me! HeHeHeHe!
This tablet has both pen & touch capabilities. Meaning that it can work just like a really big version of the touch pad you have on laptops. Except that with a certain number of fingers and motions you can scroll, rotate and zoom (still getting the hang of that).
So far I have found it great for browsing my library of photos and it makes internet surfing interesting. Can't wait to really get into the photo editing with the pen, which is much easier to use than my old tablet, you can even write with it and the writing actually looks like your own hand writing (again something I struggled with with my last tablet).
I am so in love with this tablet! I think I'll go and continue playing.

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