Monday, December 13, 2010

We rocked!!!!

Oh what a busy few days! Finally had 5 seconds to sit and chat with some of my favourite people, you :-)
Last Wednesday me, my WH (wonderful husband), sister, two sister-in-laws & mother-in-law went to the U2 concert. Wow wow wow! What a concert. JayZ was the warm-up act, he was great as well. Don't know many of his songs but still enjoyed dancing. But U2 was just fantastic, we were sitting right near where the band entered the stadium which was very cool. I unfortunatly was coming back from a cold so got alittle tired & had to sit down at points. But soooo enjoyed myself. We used public transport to get into the venue (glad we did!!!), so much easier than trying to find a park (especially since they close off all the surrounding streets to parking). And it was free, oh how I love that word 'free'.
This last weekend we made the mad dash to Toowoomba for one night to see my WH's (wonderful husband) Grandparents, normally this time of year they make a trip to visit but my WH's Grandfather hasn't been well enough to travel so we descided to go and visit them instead. We have been having some wild rain recently (almost all of spring and for the last two weeks of summer) so the trip to Toowoomba was a bit hairy to say the least. Glad that we took my WH's work ute, there was flooding and huge holes in the road, even went past someone who had decided to cross a flooded creek. The water was up to the top of their windows (and they had a 4x4), the rescue helicopter had to rescue them. Lesson to all, don't cross flooded creeks, rivers, streams or anything way too dangerous!
I have some more December Daily pages to come, just have to upload some more pictures. Been soooooo busy. Only going to get busier the closer to Christmas!!!

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