I have been using a social bookmarking site for the last month or so, and I think I have become ever so slightly addicted. I use a site called vis.ualize.us, basically when you are surfing the net and come across a picture or photo that you like you can bookmark it using this site. Which is great for me, I am a very visual person and have a collection of pictures and photos on my computer that I have come across while surfing some of my favourite home decroating & lifestyle websites. Problem being that when I want to go back to the website that I originally found the picture (particularly if it is a picture of a craft idea or decorating style I want to replicate) it is almost next to impossible.
But using vis.ualize.us remebers for me where I got the picture from. Today I was on the vis.ualize.us and came across a picture that someone else had bookmarked in their own account, and I just hand to link it to my own account.
I am thinking of printing this image and framing it. For anyone who knows me this is sooooo me. Not sure if I will hang it in my craft room, bedroom or in our lounge.......leaning towards craft room or bedroom.
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